North Wind blows back, carrying the bitter cold of winter cut of meat. The wind seemed stronger, sweeping leaves the leftover late fall. Cay Bang leaving only spindly branches in the cold. However, when looking at it, I still feel the potential of a strong vitality liet.Hang year, every spring, they jubilantly open countryside Boat on the Red River. That morning, the river banks throughout the long 1000m race, who brandished a drum, trumpet train, crowded and noisy. Race starts at an early song village children. Under river in a boat race was arranged in rows in the starting line. On the boat, the riders are strong young man sitting in a row, five-five hand paddles. Each team has a different color. By the time comes, fanfare, the cradle to the boat sped spiraling finish. Two sides of the river screams, cheers of onlookers disturbing a river. Team villages they had finished first. Actual elf. 62543