The Social Insurance Code provides for differentiation among the categories of insured persons according to the number and types of social risks they have as well as their employment status:
1.Compulsorily insured for all social risks. This group is the largest covered by the scheme, which is characterised by broad and comprehensive insurance protection bearing in mind the performance of labour activity in a permanent manner and the regular incomes received from it. This group includes persons working under employment relationships and other similar circumstances in terms of their durability and subordination to a certain order, including workers and employees, civil servants, military personnel, members of cooperatives receiving labour remuneration and executors under contracts for management and control of commercial companies.
2.Compulsorily insured for disability, old age, death, accidents at work and occupational diseases. This category concerns workers and employees with one or more employers short-term or periodically (for not more than five working days in the calendar month). Up to 1 January 2002 this group was insured solely for accidents at work and occupational diseases and completely at the expense of the employers. The last amendment to the Code also provided them with the opportunity to accumulate pension entitlements.
3.Compulsorily insured for disability owing to general disease, old age and death. This category covers self-employed persons, e.g. freelance professionals, craftsmen, sole entrepreneurs, owners or associates in commercial companies and farmers. Self-insured persons may enlarge the scope of social risks and by their own wish obtain coverage for general diseases and maternity.
The above three categories are covered by a universal system of state social insurance and differ only by the scope of risks covered.
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